Little Big Planet - Part 1 - Muir Woods
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Little Brian is Little

Little Brian is Little - At least compared to the Red Woods. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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So after Halloween we still had Lyndsey and Brian (my sister and brother-in-law) here for a few more days. And we wanted to do something California. So I planned out Monday for with two outings special just for them. The first was for Brian. Let me tell you about my brother-in-law! He is the biggest guy I know. I don't mean overweight or anything, he is just big. He is 6' 5" tall and built to proportion (he is not a skinny stick) If you look at him without reference you assume he is a normal guy. I had an old photo of Lyndsey and Brian in front of a waterfall. I would show it to people and they would say "Wow, your sister is small!!" "No no no..." I say, "My sister is an inch or two taller than me." (I'm 5' 4"). "Ooohhhhh!" is the usual response. He is a bear of a guy, but he is also a teddy bear. You couldn't meet a nicer guy. And he LOVES nature. He is an environmental scientist, and an outdoors-man! He LOVES trees!! I think he likes them because they are naturally bigger than him, but even so, I don't think anything had ever really made him feel small, just maybe smaller.

I knew he wanted to see redwood trees, but I knew we didn't have time for Redwoods National Park or Sequoia National park. So I went for the next best area thing; Muir Woods National Park just north of San Francisco. I had been there once about 9 years ago when Ryan took me there, so I knew it was awesome! Brian was like a kid in a candy store. He couldn't believe how amazing the trees were. We totally did not plan for enough time and will have to go back next time Brian comes out, but we had a wonderful time, as you can see!


Sunbeam - Muir Woods National Park, CA. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Little Big Planet

Little Big Planet - We finally found something to make my Brother-in-law Brian feel small!! - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Amazement - Brian & Lyndsey! Brian is too amazed by the trees to take his eyes off of them! - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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In The House of Muir

In The House of Muir - Lyndsey & Brian in Muir Woods. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Just A Few Little Trees

Just A Few Little Trees - Muir Woods CA. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Studying - Brian studying the redwood tree. He is so amazed. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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This Big!

This Big! - Brian & Lyndsey and a HUGE redwood tree! - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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We're Big! The Tree is Bigger!!

We're Big! The Tree is Bigger!! - Brian & Lyndsey in Muir Woods, CA - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Wonderment - Trees are awesome! - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Paradise Path

Paradise Path - Beautiful walkway through Muir Woods. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Natural Perfection

Natural Perfection - The river in Muir Woods. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Tree Huggers

Tree Huggers - Lyndsey & Brain can't even come close to hugging this redwood tree. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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I Can Barely Reach You

I Can Barely Reach You - Lyndsey & Brian can't reach around this redwood tree! - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Family - A Family of redwood trees. They create circle and are really all the same plant sharing the same root system. Sometimes you can see them connected above ground like here. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Towering Version 1

Towering Version 1 - I have two versions of this photo, I can't decide which I like better. This is the darker more dramatic one of Brian between two very tall redwood trees! - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Towering Version 2

Towering Version 2 - I have two versions of this photo, I can't decide which I like better. This is the lighter one. You can see Brian better but it just doesn't seem as powerful and domineering. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Big Burl

Big Burl - One of the keys to the survival of the redwood is its regenerative abilities. One of the regenerative capabilities of the redwood involves the burl. A burl is made up of dormant redwood stems, and is covered in bark. A burl grows when a redwood is cut, damaged, or injured, or diseased. A burl is a lumpy outgrowth from the tree's trunk, often at its base as is seen below. Saplings may sprout from these burls. The trees which result from growth originating in a burl are genetically identical to the original tree. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Lyndsey Could Fit Inside This Tree!

Lyndsey Could Fit Inside This Tree! - A fallen redwood preserved for study. All tree of us could have fit inside the trunk here. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Brian's Tree House

Brian's Tree House - I think Brian would have been happy to hang out and even take a nap inside this tree! - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Little Big Planet - Part 1 - Muir Woods
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