The O'Kittens - Foster Kittens
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The O'Kitten Family

The O'Kitten Family - You can't see it here but all 4 of them have an O marking on both sides of their stomach. These are 4 of our best foster kittens. We love them all so much. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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I have posted here in more than 6 months, but who can not share the cute of these kittens. These are my newest bunch of foster kittens from the Humane Society of Silicon Valley. We call these guys the O'Kittens because all 4 of them have these circle marks on the sides of their bellies. It is faint on most of them but very distint on Lion-O. I'm sure there will be more photos to come, but for now, meet the O'Kittens!

Looking Up

Looking Up - Our current foster kittens! - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Neopolitan - Three kittens, taking on the world together! Our current foster kittens. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Dora - One of our sweet foster kittens! - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Dora - One of our aDORAble foster kittens. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Spike - He is a big bad! It doesn't matter how small you are, just how big your attitude is. Spike is a huge cat! - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Spike! - One of our adorable foster kittens. Spike has an attitude the size of a panther. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Carmen - She will steal your heart! One of our wonderful foster kittens. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Bite Bite Bite

Bite Bite Bite - Carmen, one of our foster kittens takes down her kill. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Lion-O - Lion-O, a giant among foster kittens with a heart bigger than them all. Courage however.... well sometimes. ;) - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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Lion-O O'Kitten

Lion-O O'Kitten - With Lion-O's distint markings you can see the O on his side best. It is much harder to see on the rest of the kittens but very much there. - Photo by Rachel Lea Fox
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The O'Kittens - Foster Kittens
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